
Showing posts from June, 2020


Hello beautiful souls, in this blog you'll get to know about human mankind's most believed thing "Daily Prayer". In daily prayers, there is virtue in familiarity. The more familiar the words, the less you have to think about what comes next and the easier it is to dive deeper into their meaning as you say them. There are many beautiful and powerful prayers to which you might feel drawn depending on your preferred tradition, from the Lords's Prayer to the Heart Sutra and beyond. Some comfort also comes from knowing that such prayers have been uttered countless time before, and you are adding to a long tradition by repeating them now. Many people find the speaking of a traditional prayer a more satisfying practice than simple meditation, with the challenges of the wandering mind that it entails. Still others like to combine prayer and meditation in their practice. The distinction has been expressed this way: " Prayer is when you talk to God, and meditation is w...


Hello everyone, Today's  topic  is about energized food. Now u will think what is energized food ?? How Normal food can be energized or can be converted into Divine food. Energized  food can change Negative food into positive. And that positive  food will direct way for Divine. The concept of pouring Divine energy into food is not new,and is something generally taught in Reiki and other Divine energy healing forms. There are several ways this can be done with the light of the Eternal one.For simple way to place your hands a few inches above your plate before you eat,and allow Reiki energy to flow from your hands into the food that is a few inches away. Remember, it is not necessary for your hands to touch the food. Your hands over the plate a few inches away and intend that Reiki energy flow from your hands into your food. Visualize or draw  Reiki symbols and send  to your food. Even you can send Divine energy into glass of water and water will be fully...