Hey everyone. 
Let's talk about karma. Karma will always hit your ex because of what he or she does. If a person thinks positively and does positive things, he or she gets positive results. And if a person thinks negatively and does negative things, he or she yields negative results.It means that whatever you do will come back to you at some point. If you are a good person, good things will happen.Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.” “Nobody deserves misery but sometimes it's just your turn.” “By each crime and every kindness, we birth our future.” “I must have killed a lot of cows in a past life for karma to hate me this much.”When your ex dumped you and hurt you, he or she created a lot of Karma that they will have to pay for. Their Karma and their action will come back around and hurt them in the exact same way they hurt you when they dumped you. So, YES. Karma will get your ex for breaking your heart.Karma stories within relationships are probably the most common. As you've probably heard, the golden rule goes: do unto others as you would like done unto you. Things might not be quite so direct and philosophical, but you are your partner spend a lot of time together, and you are intrinsically connected.There are three different types of karma : prarabdha karma which is experienced through the present body and is only a part of sanchita karma which is the sum of one's past karmas, and agami karma which is the result of current decision and action.Bad karma is subject to bad deeds, bad karma is simply the thoughts and actions that are subject to negative aspects in our day to day life and they are commonly referred to as vikarma among the Sanskrit.


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