
Showing posts from April, 2020


Hello  everyone,  I heard a story before so many years which I got and i would like to narrate it here which can help us know self knowledge, power of conciousness, experience of light. Bramhadev did not give fragrances in gold,fruits to  sugarcane, and flowers to sandal wood.similarly the scholars are not long lived and there is no body so far to give wisdom to Bramhadev. It is a common nature of human being to find faults with any one. Our eyeballs is black, and those who love Krishna are drowned in black color and water. SHYAM RANG. Gold has no fragrance, sugarcane no fruits, sandal wood tree no flowers  so it concluded that there is no one in the world  who is complete. Each one is imperfect and incomplete, and have to make pursuit to  reach to perfection and this is our life's voyage. We have to sweeten the world with what we have and what we have got through our pursuit. Although gold has no fragrance, but its glitter attracts the world sweetn...


Hello everyone, This is BBeena, Today's blog is about IMPORTANCE OF ENERGY EXCHANGE IN REIKI. Every individual has one question that if Reiki is divine energy, why charge fee for its training or when it is used for care.If we look back in ancient times our Rishimuni have always given importance to exchange for maintaining balance in life. This exchange may be by way of giving social service bestowing love or an item. In every scripture for any kind of education and cultural or religious activity there is a custom to Dakshina offering. It is also believed that without giving Dakshina desired fruit is achieved. Our mind raise some pertinent questions. Why one cannot achieve anything without giving Dakshina??? And that too when acquiring wonderful, divine energy and its attainment is our birthright. Fee is charged for this also ? Why ??? It is not necessary that such exchange is reduced to money only. It can be in the form of service, love or Dakshina. In the present mater...


Hello everyone, This is BBeena, Today's blog is about  Difference between Other  Therapies and  Reiki.  The first and foremost characteristic of the reiki is that it can be learned and experienced by only 2+2=4 day's training. Whereas other systems require more time. May be months, years,and continues practice. Other systems expect certain age,qualification and other prerequisites, but reiki does not need any prerequisite. Any person of any age and with or without qualification can learn Reiki. The Reiki  therapy depends primarily onthe training and attunement. In most of systems, the trainee can use it either for himself or for others, whereas a Reiki channel can use it for others as well as for him simultaneously. In other systems there are chances of suffering from some disadvantages, but with the Reiki it is not so.The Reiki  treatment never harms anybody. The reiki energy is received as per individuals requirements. While attaining cure through other s...


Hello everyone, This is BBeena, TODAY'S blog is about FIFTH principle of reiki.this principle  is a motto for success.  *ONLY FOR TODAY I SHALL LOVE AND RESPECT EVERY LIVING BEING* Love is the only flow of our life that is the dependable force.It is impossible to think of life without love. The moment the individual realises self love ,the concept of self love is awakened in an individual, he is influenced by his own trait of love and then the flow of love starts flowing in him continuesly. This helps him get pleasure for himself and others. He feels  content with life. Moreover, we do not accept as we are,because due to certain weaknesses despite having virtues and qualities. We feel so low that we are drop into the darkness and fail to appreciate the  brightness of our inner being. It is said that one negative thought conceals 100 positive thoughts. As such one negative thought is not so powerful but our foolishness and ignorance give it more importance and it beco...


Hello everyone, This is BBeena, Today's  blog is about FORTH principle of Reiki. *ONLY FOR TODAY,I SHALL BE GRATEFUL TO NATURE * We should hold our attention to God while living in physical world. This means we should minimize our ego and link ourselves with God and his wonderful energy. We should work  for him and live for him.If we live life in this way we may not feel even a pinch of unhappiness or pain, as there is only one entry point for happiness and unhappiness. But if we believe in God and His energy with trust and faith in Him .he will  cover us with his energy and we will not be unhappy any more. Entire cosmic world is governed by nature. It is around us,but we have detached ourselves from it.on every step we get rewards from the nature  but we hardly express our gratefulness to nature. The nature has given us energy in the form of oxygen  for sustaining 5 elements. It is a magnanimous gift of nature to  us. If oxygen is not available even for a ...


Hello everyone,  This is BBeena, Today's  blog is about Third principle of reiki. We should firmly decide to observe the Third principle for today only. *ONLY FOR TODAY I SHALL WORK WITH HONESTY* (WHERE THERE IS BODY,THERE IS MIND TOO) Truth cannot be concealed with false items,  Fragrance does not originate from the paper flowers.  In our daily life, the foodstuff  is made of same raw materials, but even than the taste of the food not the same. Sometimes it becomes very tasty and at times it may not be so tasty. What can be reasons for it? If the person cooks the food with tranquillity, peace and cheerfulness, the taste of food will be very good.  In employment also if employee puts his mind and body  together in his work, he can do wonders for the employers. He becomes  dear to the officers or owners and derives  good benefits. The customers also love him and a cordial relationship is established  between them. Because of honesty his s...

second principle of Reiki

Hello everyone,  This is BBeena,This blog is about second principle of Reiki.  *ONLY FOR TODAY I SHALL NOT WORRY* We should firmly decide to observe these  principle for Today only. If a question arises in your mind that why should I not be worry ?? So answer  is just as anger and wrath are the results of past events and talks, worries are the results of future  events. When  we think too much for future of ourselves, our  family, our day to day affairs, certain events etc.we start worrying and that spoils our tranquillity. 'Worry' or 'Anxiety ' can be well explained this way, why do we worry? You may believe that worries are  due to our problems and difficulties. It is  not true. In fact, our problems have almost no connection with our anxieties. If there is any connection it is almost  negligible. The first condition to get rid of worries is that you must accept that the cause of your worry is not outside but it is within you, in your ...


Hello everyone,  This is BBeena, This blog is about principles of Reiki,  *ONLY TODAY I WILL NOT LOSE TEMPER OR BE ANGRY* We should firmly decide to observe these principles for Today  only.If a question  arises in your  mind that,Why should I not be angry and lose my temper? It is natural  in is said that losing temperament only for even a miniute consumes energy  required for running ten kilometers. This is scientifically  calculated. Have we ever thought  why we become  angry and lose temper ?? What makes us angry ? 1) The past incidents  and episodes generate  anger.2) some talks of present.  3) The probabilities  of future  etc.generate anger.It is observed  that sometimes  we remember  some past incidents  and we become  angry. We forget  that even after becoming  angry we cannot  change the past.but if we change our attitude  and  replace anger with...