Hello everyone, This is BBeena, Today's blog is about Difference between Other Therapies and Reiki.
The first and foremost characteristic of the reiki is that it can be learned and experienced by only 2+2=4 day's training. Whereas other systems require more time. May be months, years,and continues practice. Other systems expect certain age,qualification and other prerequisites, but reiki does not need any prerequisite. Any person of any age and with or without qualification can learn Reiki. The Reiki therapy depends primarily onthe training and attunement. In most of systems, the trainee can use it either for himself or for others, whereas a Reiki channel can use it for others as well as for him simultaneously. In other systems there are chances of suffering from some disadvantages, but with the Reiki it is not so.The Reiki treatment never harms anybody. The reiki energy is received as per individuals requirements. While attaining cure through other systems, the patient's negative vibrations or emotions may enter the body of the Therapist but during the Reiki treatment, patient's negative vibrations are freed in the universe and so they do not affect anybody. The Reiki channel as well as the patient simultaneously receive the benefits of the reiki during the treatment. The moment we start giving Reiki, the flow of energy starts. It gives nothing but benefits to establish balance and tranquility. In other systems the patient is usually advised to give up negative thoughts and deeds while such advice is not necessary in the Reiki therapy as the patient automatically gives up negative traits and develops positive thoughts and action.The REIKI is an exceptionally wonderful energy. Each individual is eligible to attain it.each one can learn it while in other systems the individual has to become expert first which is possible only for a few.All cannot become experts. Reiki is useful forself treatment also whereas in other systems the patient has to depend on others for treatment.
Some systems cure the illness for the time being but not permanently. The reiki not only cures the disease permanently but also provides sound health. Reiki provides only the benefits to patients. Even when the benefits is not observed or experienced it does not give any side effect.