Hello everyone, This is BBeena, Today's blog is about IMPORTANCE OF ENERGY EXCHANGE IN REIKI.
Every individual has one question that if Reiki is divine energy, why charge fee for its training or when it is used for care.If we look back in ancient times our Rishimuni have always given importance to exchange for maintaining balance in life. This exchange may be by way of giving social service bestowing love or an item. In every scripture for any kind of education and cultural or religious activity there is a custom to Dakshina offering. It is also believed that without giving Dakshina desired fruit is achieved. Our mind raise some pertinent questions. Why one cannot achieve anything without giving Dakshina??? And that too when acquiring wonderful, divine energy and its attainment is our birthright. Fee is charged for this also ? Why ???
It is not necessary that such exchange is reduced to money only. It can be in the form of service, love or Dakshina. In the present materialistic world the exchange of love and service have been minimized because in every affair money is given too much importance. Even person right from the birth till death is subjected to rules of exchange. Let us try to understand and get better idea of such exchange. The time of birth subsequent rites,birthday,admission to the school, commencement of new business ,festive occasions like wedding, religious occasions, even at the time of death we abide by these rules of exchange. Similarly for Reiki also the exchange has equal importance because only those persons who love and respect others can acquire the Reiki. And love is expressed through exchange only. To receive Reiki by giving something enhances its importance in life and reiki gives benefits of self treatment forever. The one cures through Reiki and who teaches Reiki gets something in exchange of his time spent for the purpose. The one who learns Reiki or takes its treatment gives something in its return and doesn't feel any obligation. By accepting something Reiki channels ego doesn't boostup.The love and respect between the teacher and Taught is not expected to be honoured and we do not have binding of any obligation, when a rule of exchange is observed.
Even many minds have these type of question that when can Reiki be given without observing the rules of exchange desire of the recipient??
The answer to this question is : If family members request for Reiki or, one can give them Reiki, without expecting anything from them, because in family the exchange of love respect etc is always present. Reiki can give to birds, animals, insects, vegetation, eatable items. Machinery without any exchange. Reiki can be given without any fee to improve polluted atmosphere for and service to the society.
For Reiki treatment as well as training, an individual's desire is most important. By giving Reiki we do not give only the treatment but we desire that the individual can develop self awareness. He can achieve balance in every sphere of life become calm and tranquil and derive love, pleasure, peace and power. This is the biggest exchange of energy.