The Happiest person

Hello beautiful souls, In this world everyone loves to be happy, stress-free and wanna enjoy each sec of life. So Today's blog is about 'The Happiest person'.The happiest person is he who constantly brings forth and practices what is best in him Happiness and virtue complement each other.The best are not only the happiest, but the happiest are usually the best in the art of living life successfully. God is the highest and best in you.Express more of God's love,light, truth and beauty  and you will becone of the happiest perin the world today. There is tremendous power within you. Happiness will come to you when you acquire a sublime confidence in this power. Then you will make your dreams come true. You must choose Happiness. Happiness is a is a good habit to ponder often on whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just,whatsoever things are pure, if there be any virtue and if there be any praise,think on these things.
Give thanks to universe for all your blessings several times a day.furthermore pray for the peace, Happiness and prosperity of all members of your family, your associates and all people everywhere. 


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