

Hello beautiful souls, Today's i will give some information about healing. Today's topic is HEALING THE DEAD. This does not literally mean healing the dead. Reiki healers are healing people who are attached to people who are dead. There are cases where people have some limitations or disease as a result of being attached to person who is no more.The person may be attached in either a positive or a negative way. Positive way means that the person cares for and is missing the dead person. Or the deceased may have done some wrong and now the person whom you are healing may be harbouring revengeful feelings toward him. This is being attached in a negative way. In this type of case ,ask the person whom you are healing to visualize the person who is dead and communicate whatever he wants to. In this way the weight on the heart and the mind will slowly start to release. 

The Happiest person

Hello beautiful souls, In this world everyone loves to be happy, stress-free and wanna enjoy each sec of life. So Today's blog is about 'The Happiest person'.The happiest person is he who constantly brings forth and practices what is best in him Happiness and virtue complement each other.The best are not only the happiest, but the happiest are usually the best in the art of living life successfully. God is the highest and best in you.Express more of God's love,light, truth and beauty  and you will becone of the happiest perin the world today. There is tremendous power within you. Happiness will come to you when you acquire a sublime confidence in this power. Then you will make your dreams come true. You must choose Happiness. Happiness is a is a good habit to ponder often on whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just,whatsoever things are pure, if there be any virtue and if there be any praise,think on these...


Hello everyone, Today's topic is very much interesting and everyone favorite thing is sleeping. So if we get to know some techniques of sleeping it will be amazing. So let's talk about 'The sleeping techniques'. The conscious mind is submerged to a great extent when in a sleepy state. The reason for this is that the highest level of outcropping of the subconscious occurs prior to sleep and just after we awaken. In this level the negative thoughts, which tend to neutralize your desire and so prevent acceptance by your subconscious mind, are no longer available. Suppose you want to get rid of your bad habits. Imagine a comfortable posture, relax and calm your body and be still.get into a sleepy state,and in that sleepy state,say quietly, over and over again as a lullaby, I m completely free from my bad habits,harmony and peace of mind reign Supreme. Repeat the above slowly, quietly and lovingly for five or ten minutes, night and early morning. Each time when y...


Hello everyone, In this modern era we all have a pet which are our guardian angel or a new family member. So let's talk about their emotional feelings. It is obvious that when animals are with an owner who is calm,they feel relaxed as well.This is particularly true of dogs. It is important that pet owners realize that their pet is feeling their feelings. If the owner is stressed, the pet takes these  feelings as its own in an attempt to clear its master.If an animal has been abused in the past,the energy of the abuse will be evident in its behavior through emotional imprinting. If you find an animal that  has been abandoned, you may findthat it needs to clear this trauma. In both these cases,use belief work, just as you would with a human. You can either work through the animals higher self, just as you would with a human  child, or you can connect to the animal and energy test yourself as a proxy for it. Once you find the memories and beliefs that are causing...


Hello everyone, Today's topic is about vegetarians. Many people are becoming vegetarian these days, one reason for this is a concern  for becoming a person who can feel things. This is fine, but plants are sentient too.A carrot isn't going to be happy when you bite it in half. It's a very important to understand that everything an animal has experienced is recorded in it.some of these memories, feelings, and emotions are transferred to the person who eats it,and it is the same with a carrot. This is why it isbest to bless any vegetable or animal protein that you eat and witness the spirit of the plant or the animal being sent to the light. Everything that we eat should be thanked for its sacrifice. 


Hello everyone, we every morning chant mantras to worship god, but have you ever wondered what are the benefits of chanting mantras? So let's talk about this. When you chant mantras your mind releases the positive energy that decreases the negative thoughts or stress. Chanting mantras is an ancient practice that calms your mind and soul. Scientific studies have found that chanting mantras like om for 10 minutes can decrease anxiety and depressive symptoms in the human body. And also mantras are extremely effective. by chanting mantras you are programming your subconscious mind to reverberate with the said mantra that is being chanted. since the mantras have a certain level of consciousness , you are vibrating with the consciousness.While chanting can be done at any time and any place, best effects are experienced when the ambience is right.There are different types of mantras. Every mantra activates a particular kind of energy in a different part of the body. Without th...


Hello everyone,Lets talk about Gratitude.  GRATITUDE is a warm feeling of gratefulness towards the world or towards specific individuals.GRATITUDE has also been shown to foster physical health.For example, in one study, if teens wrote letters of gratitude to other people over a month, they were more inclined to eat healthier food. Arguably, when people feel grateful, they feel an obligation to reciprocate the efforts of other individuals. Therefore, rather than indulge and sacrifice their own health—a behaviour that would dismiss the efforts that other individuals invested in them—they may feel compelled to live a healthier life. Alternatively, gratitude tends to elicit positive emotions, and these positive emotions tend to divert attention to favourable possibilities in the future. Individuals become more inclined to engage in behaviours that could benefit this future, such as healthy eating. Participants who engaged in a gratitude exercise showed increases in their ex...